This is the beginning of a 10 blog series that will briefly explain the top 10 things you should do when you become separated. I hope you find them useful and helpful. I hope you know that I only know these things because I have been there and I understand. Today is the 1st of 10. Please sign up to keep coming back for the rest of the list. You will not regret it.


Once you find yourself in this situation it is very common to panic and be so overwhelmed that you forget to take care of yourself. No matter how you look at this, it will not end soon, and could easily get worse before it will get better. So the sooner you take care of yourself the easier the next few months will be. Please consider these helpful suggestions –

  1. Breathe and stay as calm as possible. Things will seem out of control. When you feel panicked or overwhelmed remind yourself to breathe and allow yourself to calm down before you react. Your immediate reactions at a time like this tend to make matters worse and end up hurting those you love.
  2. Get your sleep. Sometimes it may be very hard to fall asleep and sometimes you may find yourself sleeping all the time. Whatever the case, try to keep your sleep patterns as regular as possible. The more you allow your body to rest the clearer your thinking will be and the more energy you will be to do the things that need to get done.
  3. Eat regularly. It is important to keep your strength up. If you are just not hungry, eat smaller meals more often. Try not to overeat but also do not allow yourself to become sick. You won’t be good to anyone when you are sick.
  4. Pray continuously. In the quiet of the day, in the chaos of the moment and during the long sleepless nights, God will always be there for you. When your emotions get the best of you, cry out to God. He has promised to never leave you and will surround you with comfort. You can even yell and scream at God. He understands and is longing to have you talk to him.
  5. Exercise frequently. It is a well known fact that exercising get your endorphins moving. When this happens you will have more energy and be able to think more clearly. Exercising helps to relieve your stress. Make sure you do it with balance and use caution.


YOU are the only YOU we have. People love you and are counting on you to take care of yourself. You are needed and are very important. Please do not let this destroy who you are. If you find yourself in a depression do not hesitate to seek out a counselor or if you become suicidal at any time, seek help immediately!


Please check back soon to see the 2nd thing you should do when you become separated.