I'm not your friend...I'm your parent

Be the Parent –

Do not spoil your child in order to overcompensate for your mistakes.

As much as you may feel terrible about putting your children through a divorce, do not slack on your role as being a parent and raise your children to be nice, respectable people. It is common to try to win their affection by always wanting to make your time together special. But keep in mind that they are looking for stability, structure and consistency. So make sure you can be counted on for being their parent, not their best friend.

  • Stay away from being the stereotypical “Disney Dad/Mom”. Although you may think they are having a good time, they are actually wanting and needing time alone with you more than anything else.
  • Don’t forget, you are the parent, not their best friend. Continue to discipline, have the same expectations and rules as you had before.
  • Work together with your former spouse to keep the same rules and consequences at both homes. Your children need to know that even though you are not together anymore, you still intend on parenting as a team.