Be a Peacemaker.

Do all you can to make the visitation exchange as tension free as possible.

It is nice to share the responsibility of transportation by either splitting the trips or meeting somewhere half way. If you are going to be late, please call and let them know. If you are nervous or emotional about the exchange you can be sure that your child is picking up on that. Try to be as calm and reassuring as possible. During the transition try these suggestions.

  • If it is too difficult to be civil during transitions try to exchange the children at a neutral location, maybe at a friends, at school or at a McDonalds.
  • Say goodbye with a smile. When your child goes to spend time with the other parent make it clear that you’re happy they are spending time with them. Do not make them feel guilty about leaving you. Let them know they do not need to worry about you.
  • When they come back home after visitation treat them the same way as if they were at their grandparents or friends house. Be interested and supportive without being too inquisitive about things they are uncomfortable talking about. Be as normal as possible.