

From Krista’s Desk           April 2015


Hello, this April I introduced the first in a 10 part series of things you should do when you become separated.  There are some very practical, day-to-day things that can keep you moving forward when you are working through such a big changes in your life.  Unfortunately, losing sight of these things can have long-lasting, negative effects.

I would love to connect with you on a more personal level.  Please feel free to sign up on the Forum and introduce yourself.

Article 1 in a 10 part series – Take Care of Yourself.  (read the article)

Where do I go for help?  I remember the first months after my separation. . . (continue)

Sherri Donovan’s article on the 10 Pitfalls of Divorce in The Digital Age (proceed to the article)

Poem Link: Weariness 

Blessings to you on your journey,

Krista Smith