When someone says “single mom”, what is the first thing that pops into your head?  Fatigue? Responsibility? Stress?  Strength?  Was your mom a single mom?  Are YOU a single mom?





What are three words you would use to describe life as a single mom?

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I led a large single parent family ministry, called Family Connections for 12 years, and I highly respect single parents for all they have to do and keep in order.  On top of all the responsibilities they have, they are also living their own trauma, heading to court for custody issues of financial issues, stay connected (or not) with their extended family members and work to make sure their kids’ hearts heal and to cope with all of the issues their kids have when their family shattered.

There are many reasons why women become single moms; death of a spouse, divorce, separation, spouse in the military, never been married, grandmother raising a grandchild, foster parent, etc.  The list goes on and on about all the responsibilities they have, keeping schedules straight, helping sick children, taking care of the family pet, keeping a budget, moving from house to house, endless household chores, keeping up with the kids’ school homework and activities, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.  The list is endless and exhausting.

If we attend church, maybe it would be a good idea to look out for those single parents who come in frazzled each Sunday; usually late.  How can we help?  I remember single dads bringing their little girls to church with messed up hair because dads didn’t know how to make braids or pony tails.  The single moms would gather and fix the little girls’ hair and the single dads would help with car repairs for the single moms.  Family Connections was a wonderful ministry to help single parents connect, plus encourage and support one another and the kids.  I will never forget it!

Single moms, I know you are always looking for resources for your family and we have a wonderful resource for you on Chained No More Talk Radio tomorrow at 2pm ET at www.toginet.com (LIVE)  You can also download the podcast later at www.toginet.com/shows/chainednomore.

Our guest is author Linda McCutcheon and her topic is “You Too Can Be a Single Mom Survival Success.”  This vibrant women was a single mom for 12 years and has lots of useful and unique practical tools to help you have more success raising your kids in a single parent home.  You will love her, so don’t miss it!

Single Moms, you are stronger than you think, and like the Word of God says, “I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.”  You’d better believe it, and your kids are counting on you, so stand up, listen to Linda McCutcheon, and keep going!